Unintended Consequences of the Increasing Rate of Intermarriage

A lot of people have already noticed the increasing rate of intermarriage. But the pattern shows that love is not colorblind. Multiple reasons are suggested.


When people usually talk about the increasing rate of intermarriage, it seems obvious they will miss the truth, by neglecting the gender pattern. Aggregation is a good thing if it attenuates measurement error and sampling error, but if the pattern in data observed within each subgroup differ from each other, then, the aggregation procedure is fallacious. Steve Sailer (1997), in a dated article, Is Love Colorblind?, said the following :

While interracial marriage is increasingly accepted by whites, a surprising number of Asian men and black women are bitterly opposed. Why? … In the 1990 Census, 72 per cent of black – white couples consisted of a black husband and a white wife. In contrast, white – Asian pairs showed the reverse: 72 per cent consisted of a white husband and an Asian wife.

Nor is it surprising that white – Asian marriages outnumber black – white marriages : the social distance between whites and Asians is now far smaller than the distance between blacks and whites.

Perhaps. But he missed the relevant question. Why this huge gender gap ? For blacks marrying white women, it seems obvious they are attracted to white women. The same thing is true for white men. The main reason why they outmarry so much with asian women is their asian fetish. I will publish an article later, on this.


In 1990, 1.46 million Asian women were married, compared to only 1.26 million Asian men. This net drain of 0.20 million white husbands into marriages to Asian women is too small to be noticed by the 75 million white women, except in Los Angeles and a few other cities with large Asian populations and high rates of intermarriage. Yet, this 0.20 million shortage of Asian wives leaves a high proportion of frustrated Asian bachelors in its wake. …

1. … First, among blacks aged 20 – 39, there are about 10 per cent more women than men alive. … So, there may be nearly 14 young black women for every 10 young black men who are alive and unentangled with the law. Further, black women are far more prevalent than black men in universities (by 80 per cent in grad schools), in corporate offices, and in other places where members of the bourgeoisie, black or white, meet their mates. …

4. The civil-rights revolution left husband – wife balances among interracial couples more unequal. Back in 1960 white husbands were seen in 50 per cent of black-white couples (versus only 28 per cent in 1990), and in only 62 per cent of white – Asian couples (versus 72 per cent).


Why? Discrimination, against black men and Asian women. In the Jim Crow South black men wishing to date white women faced pressures ranging from raised eyebrows to lynch mobs. In contrast, the relatively high proportion of Asian-man/white-woman couples in 1960 was a holdover caused by anti-Asian immigration laws that had prevented women, most notably Chinese women, from joining the largely male pioneer immigrants. As late as 1930 Chinese-Americans were 80 per cent male. So, the limited number of Chinese men who found wives in the mid twentieth century included a relatively high fraction marrying white women. In other words, as legal and social discrimination have lessened, natural inequalities have asserted themselves. …

Understanding the impact of genetic racial differences on American life is a necessity for anybody who wants to understand our increasingly complex society. For example, the sense of betrayal felt by Asian men certainly makes sense. After all, they tend to surpass the national average in those long-term virtues — industry, self-restraint, law-abidingness — that society used to train young women to look for in a husband. Yet, now that discrimination has finally declined enough for Asian men to expect to reap the rewards for fulfilling traditional American standards of manliness, our culture has largely lost interest in indoctrinating young women to prize those qualities.

The frustrations of Asian men are a warning sign. When, in the names of freedom and feminism, young women listen less to the hard-earned wisdom of older women about how to pick Mr. Right, they listen even more to their hormones. This allows cruder measures of a man’s worth — like the size of his muscles — to return to prominence. The result is not a feminist utopia, but a society in which genetically gifted guys can more easily get away with acting like Mr. Wrong.

In another article, The Myth Of Interracial Marriage, Steve Sailer (2003) continues :

Many assume that equality is the natural human state. But I didn’t think these gaps would disappear anytime soon. And they haven’t. The social climate in the 1990s was close to ideal for diminishing the differences. As a recent Newsweek cover story on “The Black Gender Gap” pointed out, African-American women enjoyed a good decade, making steady progress in the college and corporate worlds, bringing them in more contact with whites. In contrast, black men had a decade to forget – including a big increase in African-American men in prison, which certainly reduced their availability on the marriage market.

You would think that this shortfall of black men would make black women more likely to marry white men.

Likewise, the technology boom that lasted through 2000 was good for Asian-American men. They made lots of money in computer-related industries.

But, as I reported for UPI on Friday, the Census Bureau finally announced last week its “enumeration” (not an estimate, but an actual count) of all the married couples in America, and

“In 73 percent of black-white couples, the husband was black. … Just over 75 percent of white-Asian couples featured a white husband and Asian wife.”

[…] One prediction I made in 1997, without any 1990 Census data to back it up: black-Asian marriages would be even more skewed gender-wise than black-white or white-Asian. That turned out to be true in 2000′s results: 86 percent of black-Asian couples consisted of a black husband and an Asian wife.

More data below, from NY times. Apparently, for both gender among asians, the rates are decreasing, but that data is misleading. If the ongoing increase of the number of asian migrants in the US is effective, then it is possible to see the number of asian-asian couples to increase. What would be more revealing is the rate of intermarriage for newlyweds.

Black? White? Asian? More Young Americans Choose All of the Above.
Who Is Marrying Whom.


The Pew Research Center provides some data in their article Marrying Out (2010) regarding the trend of intermarriage, for which the rates among newlyweds has more than doubled between 1980 (6.7%) and 2008 (14.6%). Further, in 1960, an estimated 1.3% of black male and 0.9% of black female newlyweds married non-blacks. Rates of intermarriage have increased for both over time, but the increase has been more pronounced among black men. By 2008, 22% of black male newlyweds and 8.9% of black female newlyweds married someone who was not black. For asians, however, it’s even worse. The gender gap in Asian rates of out-marriage has grown larger over time. Back in 1980, about 37% of Asian female newlyweds married non-Asians, compared with about 25% of newly married Asian men. The rate of intermarriage increased slightly for newly married Asian women between 1980 (37.4%) and 2008 (39.5%). In contrast, the share of intermarriage for newly married Asian men declined from 25% in 1980 to 19.5% in 2008. This contrasts with Jeff Yang (2012) article on the WSJ about the supposedly decreasing rate of intermarriage for US asians. Why this discrepancy. Easy enough. Yang looked at the aggregated data, and I look the disaggregated data. The reason why asians outmarry is less is because asian men have less tendency to outmarry. For asian women, there is a very little tendency to outmarry more. Yang suspected the reason is due to the increasingly amount of asians coming to the US, making them easier to meet each other, and thus decreasing the rate of intermarriage. This couldn’t be farthest from the truth. If the said hypothesis were true, we would have expected a decline in both gender. It’s not happening. The consequence, as stated above, is the (expected) increasing rate of single asian men who can’t find women due to the actual pattern of intermarriage. Remarkably, the authors have published the trend of intermarriage, but not the rate of single men/women per races. But there must be some data. Why then ? I suspect the reason has to be found in their ideology. And dishonesty. If they were going to show that intermarriage is associated with increasing rate of single asian men and single black women, the consequences of multi-culturalism will be made too salient. Hence, they are not going to show that data so easily. It’s cowardice but it’s the best way to avoid losing one’s own life.



In conclusion :

It is very likely that white women are not attracted to asian men and white men are not attracted to black women. Whites may have an “advantage” in terms of beauty. Obviously, white liberals would seek another inconceivable “excuse” to justify interracial marriage.

Because of that, the rates of single black women and single asian men are very high. While white women “steal” their men, white men “steal” our women. Personally, I don’t even care about the rise in black-white marriage. That doesn’t concern me. I am more concerned about the rise in white-asian marriage rates. But given the high rate of single black women, I see why this is a wide scale problem.

It seems very likely to me that the neoteny of asian women constitutes one of most important reason for white men to date asian women. Asian fetish, however, should be the best characterization for this pattern. More strikingly, when I look at the age difference between spouses, the age difference between white men and asian women is practically twice the age difference of the other couples. I don’t like the meaning of this.

As for miscegenation, it is worth to recall the meaning of identity. “Identity” can only have a meaning as long as there are races. The word “chinese” includes several meanings : chinese ancestry, history of China, etc. The same is true of “white” : white ancestry, history of western countries, etc. A mixed race has no ancestry. His “race” has no history. A mixed blood, simply put, has no identity. He has no roots.

Here, liberals’ ideology gone awry. Liberals, in support of diversity, tend to promote the love of races and ethnicities. The races will disappear with a constant rise in intermarriage. By promoting intermarriage, liberals are not respectful of races, despite their claims to the contrary. Liberals insult white heritage, black heritage, and chinese heritage. This is why I am not a liberal. I am not even a libertarian anymore. It is clear that they espouse an ideology that I consider insidious. The same thing occurs either side. No one wants to (re)consider the many advantages of a racially homogeneous society, especially in terms of genetic interests.

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