Interview: Refuting arguments about IQ bias & discrimination effects

This is a discussion between myself and Lipton Matthews.

Are IQ test biased?

Discrimination Does Not Explain Gaps in Social Status

Here are articles related to this discussion:

  1. Hu, M. (2017). An update on the secular narrowing of the Black-White gap in the Wordsum vocabulary test (1974-2012). Mankind Quarterly, 58(2), 324-354.
  2. Fuerst, J. G. R., Hu, M., & Connor, G. (2021). Genetic Ancestry and General Cognitive Ability in a Sample of American Youths. Mankind Quarterly, 62(1), 186–216.
  3. Hu, M. (2022). Does Mother’s Involvement Matter for The Cognitive Development of Interracial Children? Testing the Race of the Mother Hypothesis. OpenPsych.
  4. Hu, M. (2023). Does Parent Education Moderate the Effect of Adoptive Parents’ Race on Math Ability?. Mankind Quarterly, 63(4).
  5. Hu, M. (2023). On The Validity of The GSS Vocabulary Test Across Groups. OpenPsych.
  6. Fuerst, J, & Hu, M. (2023). Deep roots of admixture-related cognitive differences in the USA. Qeios. doi:10.32388/CCN648.8.
  7. Hu, M., Kirkegaard, E. O. W., & Fuerst, J. (2023). Income and Education Disparities Track Genetic Ancestry. OpenPsych, 1(1).
  8. Transracially adopted intermediate IQ : Hereditarian nonsense. Substack Blog.
  9. Affirmative action failed: An extensive and complicated literature review. Substack Blog.
  10. Gender wage gap: Why the discrimination theory (likely) fails. Substack Blog.
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